Radisson signs 10 new hotels in rapid South Asian expansion

Post Content
2024-06-26 17:09:07

Asian hornets survive UK winter for first time, DNA testing shows

The species poses a deadly threat to honey bees, master beekeeper Lynne Ingram tells the BBC.
2024-06-04 13:08:41

Post Content
2024-05-28 19:08:38

Warning over Asian hornets after record sightings

There have been 108 sightings of Asian hornets since 2016, of which 56 were in 2023.
2024-05-20 10:08:11

Markets react as US says Israel has struck Iran

Oil and gold prices rose and shares fell in Asian trade.
2024-04-19 08:08:10

ACLU sues Florida for anti-Asian housing discrimination

Post Content
2023-10-12 20:10:36

Oil prices rally on fear of Middle East supply disruptions

West Texas Intermediate and Brent crude prices jumped by 4% in Asian trading.
2023-10-09 06:07:30

Arunachal Pradesh: India-China border row flares over athlete visas

Beijing denies claims three Indian fighters are unable to enter China for the Asian Games.
2023-09-22 23:33:27

Ugandan Asian anniversary artwork to be installed in Leicester

Post Content
2023-08-15 12:26:59

Crisis-hit Pakistan strikes $3bn funding deal with IMF

The South Asian nation is facing its worst economic crisis since independence from Britain in 1947.
2023-06-30 09:12:28

Top Asian News 7:49 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-06-16 10:14:12

Top Asian News 7:49 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-06-16 10:14:10

Top Asian News 7:02 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-06-09 09:13:03

Singapore to hold final horse race after more than 180 years

The Southeast Asian island nation's only race course will hold its final meeting next year.
2023-06-06 09:13:03

Top Asian News 5:00 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-05-29 08:08:18

Top Asian News 4:35 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-05-29 07:11:39

Top Asian News 6:06 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-05-25 08:12:21

Top Asian News 5:06 a.m. GMT

Post Content
2023-05-25 08:12:18

China's Xi meets Central Asian leaders, calls for trade, energy development

Post Content
2023-05-19 09:10:56

Yellow: K-pop artist Lim Kim bites back against stereotypes

Lim Kim says her music challenges prejudices about Asian women and attacks Orientalism.
2021-01-21 02:05:58

Tse Chi Lop: Alleged Asian drug lord arrested in Amsterdam

Australia believes Tse Chi Lop's syndicate controls up to 70% of narcotics entering the country.
2021-01-24 01:05:49

Asian 'El Chapo' Tse Chi Lop arrested in the Netherlands

2021-01-24 06:05:58

South Korea's 'hidden' migrant workers

Migrant farm workers, many from South East Asian countries, are living in squalid conditions just outside Seoul, one of Asia's wealthiest capitals.
2021-02-04 03:05:57

Top Asian News 7:46 a.m. GMT

2021-02-06 09:06:00

Top Asian News 5:31 a.m. GMT

2021-02-11 07:05:53

Egy vagyont keresett a férfi azzal, hogy engedte követőinek, hogy terrorizálják alvás közben

Amikor valakit megkérdeznek, hogy mi lenne az álom munkája, jó eséllyel az elsők között fogja említeni azt, hogy lustálkodással szeretne pénzt keresni, de a legjobb mégis az lenne, ha az alvásért fizetnék. Azt hittük, mindez túl szép ahhoz, hogy igaz legyen, egészen mostanáig. Az inlfluenszerek, a közösségi média és a streaming oldalak világában ez már egy valós alternatíva, amiből most egy férfi húzott busás hasznot a Business Insider cikke szerint. A csak Asian Andy néven emlegetett 26 éves férfi a legismertebb alvóstreamerek közé tartozik, ami azt jelenti, hogy a követői annyira imádják né...
2021-02-16 10:05:40

Attack on Asian American man in LA's Koreatown being investigated as a hate crime

A 27-year-old Korean American man says he was physically assaulted in the heart of Los Angeles' Koreatown this month in an incident that police say they're investigating as a hate crime.
2021-02-27 02:05:42

Top Asian News 5:00 a.m. GMT

2021-02-27 07:06:17

Attacks against people of Asian descent are on the rise in NYC. The city is pushing to combat it.

The stabbing of a 36-year-old man on Thursday is the latest in a number of attacks in New York City against people of Asian descent, a surge that has sparked a call for action from advocacy groups.
2021-02-27 09:05:51

Autós rablás videón: a kocsival húzták a földön az áldozatot

Testi és lelki sebeket is szerzett az a kaliforniai nő, akit brutálisan raboltak ki a minap. Egy oaklandi kozmetikai üzlet kamerája vette fel a rettenetes jelenetet: a nőtől ismeretlenek el akarták ragadni a retiküljét, ám a táska a vállán volt keresztbe vetve, vele együtt húzták autóval az elkövetők. A nő vásárlás után ment a saját kocsijához, amikor a rablók megtámadták, és mintegy ötven méteres szakaszon húzták a kocsi mellett. A nő férje nyilatkozott az ügyről, elmondása szerint felesége azóta is reszket a félelemtől. A sérülései szerencsére nem súlyosak. A felvétel megtekintését csak erő...
2021-02-27 12:06:40

Former NBA star says he's been called 'coronavirus' on the court

As the number of violent attacks against Asian Americans escalates, former NBA star Jeremy Lin said he has experienced racism while playing basketball.
2021-02-27 23:07:03

Hate crime charges in stabbing of Asian man

2021-02-27 23:07:09

New Yorkers rally against wave of anti-Asian hate

Noel Quintana said he was slashed across the face.
2021-02-28 16:05:44

No hate crime charge against suspect in New York stabbing of Asian man

A man accused of stabbing an Asian man Thursday outside the federal courthouse in the Chinatown neighborhood of New York City was arraigned Saturday on charges including attempted murder.
2021-02-28 18:06:42

Anti-Asian violence surging across the US

Hate crimes against Asian Americans have spiked across the US since the Covid-19 pandemic began. There have been nearly 3,000 incidents reported across all 50 states, according to an Asian advocacy group. CNN's Amara Walker reports.
2021-03-03 11:05:43

'Boiling up': Former NBA star Jeremy Lin says Covid-19 has sparked anti-Asian violence in the US

Former NBA star Jeremy Lin says he's seen a rise in racism across the US since the coronavirus pandemic started and says the country must address the issue of anti-Asian violence.
2021-03-03 14:05:39

Former NBA star says Covid-19 has sparked anti-Asian violence in the US

Former NBA star Jeremy Lin says he's seen a rise in racism across the US since the coronavirus pandemic started and says the country must address the issue of anti-Asian violence.
2021-03-03 14:05:42

The history of attacks against Asian Americans is complicated. Addressing it will be, too

The quote has been ringing in Jose Antonio Vargas' ears ever since he came across it.
2021-03-04 14:05:39

Lisa Ling shares hateful social media messages she's received

"This Is Life with Lisa Ling" host Lisa Ling shares hateful online messages she has received as attacks against Asian Americans are in the spotlight amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
2021-03-05 16:05:50

What's causing vaccine delays in some Asian countries?

In Asia, some vaccination programmes are either yet to begin, or are at a very early stage.
2021-03-08 02:06:20

The diplomacy behind the scenes of the UN Security Council's Myanmar statement

Security Council 101 on Myanmar: We don't get to see the diplomatic sausage made, but the outcome Wednesday was a predictable compromise despite the gravity of violence and terror in the southeast Asian nation's streets and homes.
2021-03-11 05:05:40

Teen Vogue editor Alexi McCammond apologises for 'anti-Asian' tweets

Staff at the magazine had said editor Alexi McCammond's tweets threatened the outlet's values.
2021-03-11 15:06:25

Incoming Teen Vogue editor apologizes again for anti-Asian tweets

Teen Vogue's newly appointed editor in chief isn't slated to start until March 24, but she has already issued two apologies this week and has drawn the ire of her soon-to-be staff, advertisers and celebrities.
2021-03-11 19:05:59

Biden condemns hate crimes against Asian-Americans

President Joe Biden condemned those who have used the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse for hate to divide the country at a time when healing is needed.
2021-03-12 04:07:14

Biden condemns hate crimes against Asian-Americans

President Joe Biden condemned those who have used the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse for hate to divide the country at a time when healing is needed.
2021-03-12 04:07:17

These Asian countries are giving dual citizens an ultimatum on nationality -- and loyalty

Anna was born with the right to dual citizenship, because she has a Japanese mother and American father. She spent her life traveling between both countries, and says she felt deeply connected to the two cultures.
2021-03-15 21:05:45

Myanmar's military is killing peaceful protesters. Here's what you need to know

Daily protests have been ongoing for a month and a half in towns and cities across Myanmar after the military seized control of the Southeast Asian country in a coup on February 1.
2021-03-16 14:05:50

Atlanta shootings: Asian women among eight killed at three spas

No motive has yet been established for the attacks in the area around Atlanta, Georgia.
2021-03-17 06:06:45

Top Asian News 5:00 a.m. GMT

2021-03-17 06:06:46

Buckle up. Murder hornet season is around the corner

Winter is on its way out. The days are getting longer, vaccinations are ramping up and an end to the pandemic could be in sight.
2021-03-17 16:05:49

VP Harris to Asian American community: 'We stand with you'

2021-03-17 17:08:20

Shooting suspect may have 'sex addiction', police say

State and federal investigators are scrambling to learn more about Robert Aaron Long, the suspect in a string of deadly shootings at three Atlanta-area Asian spas, and his alleged motive.
2021-03-17 22:05:41

Fetishized, sexualized and marginalized, Asian women are uniquely vulnerable to violence

Of the eight people who were killed when a White man attacked three metro Atlanta spas, six were Asian women.
2021-03-18 00:06:43

Leyna Bloom makes history in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

Leyna Bloom is the first first Black and Asian transgender woman to be featured in a Swimsuit Issue of Sports Illustrated.
2021-03-18 02:05:56

White supremacy and hate are haunting Asian Americans

? Why Asian women are uniquely vulnerable to violence in US ? Shooting suspect may have 'sex addiction,' police say
2021-03-18 06:06:42

Top Asian News 4:46 a.m. GMT

2021-03-18 06:07:09

San Francisco police increase patrols following recent assaults against Asian Americans

The San Francisco Police Department is increasing patrols in predominately Asian neighborhoods following an "alarming spike in brazen anti-Asian violence in recent weeks" in the Bay Area, the department said.
2021-03-18 07:05:56

Atlanta shootings: 'It's scary just to be an Asian American woman.'

Inside the Washington protest against hate crimes towards Asian Americans following the Atlanta spa shootings.
2021-03-18 08:06:59

Violence towards Asian Americans is 'hitting differently' amid the pandemic, says former NBA star Jeremy Lin

Former NBA star Jeremy Lin says violence towards Asian Americans is "hitting differently" amid the coronavirus pandemic.
2021-03-18 14:06:21

Celebs were championing #StopAsianHate well before Atlanta shootings

Well before the shootings at three Atlanta-area spas which left eight people dead, some in Hollywood were sounding the alarm about violence in the US targeting Asians and Asian Americans.
2021-03-18 19:05:46

Először szerepel fekete-ázsiai transznemű modell a Sports Illustratedben

A Sports Illustrated magazin Swimsuit kiadásában már többször láthattuk Palvin Barbarát is, de a klasszikus modellek mutogatása mellett egyre inkább törekszik a lap a sokszínűségre. A plus size modellek után, tavaly az SI történetében először transznemű modell is szerepelt. Kapcsolódó Itt egy videó a bikiniben vonagló Palvin Barbaráról Megint a Sports Illustrated fürdőruhás kiadásába fotózták. A brazil Valentina Sampaio után, idén ismét helyet kapott egy transznő, Leyna Bloom, aki fekete és ázsia felmenőkkel rendelkezik. El nem tudtam képzelni, hogy megélem azokat az idők...
2021-03-18 19:06:07

Incoming Teen Vogue editor in chief is out over anti-Asian tweets

Alexi McCammond is out as editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue before she officially started the job, she and the magazine's owner announced Thursday. The announcement of her appointment to the job had sparked outrage from the publication's staffers and readers as well as some celebrities because of anti-Asian tweets she posted a decade ago.
2021-03-18 21:05:43

These are some of the victims of the Atlanta spa shootings

? 'No one was listening': Asian business owners are scared in wake of shootings
2021-03-18 22:06:58

Atlanta spa shootings: Who are the victims?

Six of the eight people killed were Asian women. Here's what we know so far about the victims.
2021-03-18 22:08:01

Anti-Asian violence: 'He slashed me from cheek-to-cheek'

Asian Americans across the US have faced a surge in hate crimes during the pandemic.
2021-03-19 03:06:24

Hate turned my Asian-American mom into a shut-in. This isn't the country she left her homeland for

Hate has turned my once proud and confident Asian-American mother into a shut-in.
2021-03-19 04:05:39

Leyna Bloom makes history in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

Leyna Bloom is the first first Black and Asian transgender woman to be featured in a Swimsuit Issue of Sports Illustrated, hitting stands in July.
2021-03-19 04:05:39

Asian stocks tumble following sell-off on Wall Street

Asian markets tumbled on Friday as investors appeared to be jolted by several issues, from the continued prospect of rising inflation to a volatile US-China meeting and stubborn coronavirus flare-ups in Europe.
2021-03-19 10:05:45


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